Chief Investigator Professor Kim Rubenstein awarded the 2013 Edna Ryan award for Leadership!

Professor Kim Rubestein, Chief Investigator for Trailblazing Women and the Law has been awarded the Edna Ryan Award for Leadership. The EDNAs acknowledge and celebrate women who are prepared to make their lives political and who are making a feminist difference.

Professor Rubenstein, according to her citation and confirmed by those who know her and have worked with her, ‘has actively promoted scholarly discussion on issues relating to feminism and constitutional law, citizenship, and education – both in terms of the impact for women in contemporary life, and in filling gaps in historic study. She has drawn public attention to issues that have been overlooked and/or avoided because they relate to gender.

‘Her feminist approach and strong sense of social justice extends from feminism into areas such as citizenship, in which she has not only contributed to scholarly discussion, but has also done pro bono work as a barrister and solicitor of the High Court of Australia.

‘In 1995 she co-authored Representation/s of Women in the Australian Constitutional System – the beginning of a project now going for almost twenty years, which seeks to develop a gendered approach to all aspects of the Australian constitutional system.

Kim has raised public consciousness, and uncovered the inevitable impacts of constitutional and citizenship law on women.’

Congratulations Kim!