Monthly Archives: March 2014

‘It’s been a great era…but we have a long way to go.’ Dame Quentin Bryce farewells the office of the Governor General.

Dame Quentin Bryce’s term as the twentieth-fifth  Governor General of Australia, and the first woman to be appointed to the position, officially ended on March 26th, 2014. A woman of many firsts, she ‘normalised the “unusual” and demonstrated why appointing leaders outside of the usual sphere of power is important.’ Asked, on her last day, […]

Law is failing women – Report of the National Attrition and Re-engagment Study released.

A landmark study by the Law Council of Australia has found that women face significant levels of discrimination, with one of the study’s key figures telling Lawyers Weekly the profession is a “men’s only club”. The National Attrition and ­Re-­engagement Study (NARS), commissoned by the Law Council of Australia in 2013, surveyed 4­000 people, representing […]